You who sees the light and the possibility in everyone around you and believes in the infinite capacity for people to enact change. You who cares, more than most; you who feels more than she'd like. You who leads in the boardroom, but not always in the body.
You who carries the torch of lifting the world and your community towards greatness. You who is wise beyond your years, though perhaps not by choice. You who sees both where life happened to her and where she can still happen to it.
You who is ready to be the change you wish to see, ready to lean in and lay down the burdens of the past that no longer serve the direction you're seeking to go.
You who is determined to expand her potential for healing & connection, with the courage and conviction to evolve, to meet the unmet, to feel the unfelt.
Y O U - who has always been a member of that...
...secret society of wildcard women.
Darling, I want you to know if any of this resonates with where you are, guess what?
When I found Somatic Experiencing and Polyvagal Theory, there was such a significant shift. A shift in the way that I understood myself, the world and people. It initiated new depths profound unfolding within me and then years later, my clients.
This framework allows you to harness the understanding of how your system balances and discerns the need for protection vs. connection and apply that knowledge to craft new narratives, claim any experience you want in life, find safety where there previously was none and respond vs. react automatically.
Polyvagal Theory literally gives us the 3 step process to walk your nervous system back to a regulated place and truly inhabit resiliency. It is a profound gift to now more than at any other time in history to have such a nuanced scientific understanding of our own human operating system.
Your autonomic nervous system is like a compass. It’s constantly orienting you, shifting towards engagement, mobilization or disconnection.
Your body knows stuff before your brain consciously does. It’s your first line of response, your biggest ally. It is your body taking in data and sending it to the brain which in fact directs the majority of your behaviors, beliefs and patterns.
Learning how to recognize when your body has shifted nervous system states, in response to what, and showing up in what signature style, is the first step to being able to support the body, support your system, in the unique way it needs to be met before attempting to shift the state into a more regulated place.
In short, I want you to know and will show you in this mastercourse, that it is unequivocally possible for you to inhabit a life of safety, connection and flow. AND you don't have to do it alone.
Let me walk with you through the unknown exploratory process....
(P.S. If you are here, let me please tell you how absolutely magnificent and courageous you are, how honored I am that you are considering laying trust in me to serve you in some part of your jourey and how flippin' excited I am for all we are about to uncover together. It. is. time.)
In times of chaos and uncertainty, it's natural and deeply encoded in our biology to move into survival mode over relaxed states of regeneration and thriving.
Without the right set of regulating tools, our own nervous system physiology can get stuck in survival mode though, perpetuating exhaustive loops of deeply primal and energy-intensive activations (ie. survival responses). And the latent parts of our non-adult self, those that experienced trauma (ie. anything too fast too soon, or too little to slow for the nervous system to handle), can hijack our system, so to speak, with old patterns of behavior and defense mechanisms.
As long as you are stuck "on" in survival mode, you cannot heal, regenerate or thrive. That's how you're built and for good reason. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
If you're having difficulty feeling safe right now or seeing the right next step, move, or decision or getting anything done, you are not alone. And what's more, your human operating system was designed and wired to respond exactly how it is now.
But there are ways to give yourself the permission to thrive, even in the face of threats and the unknown. That's what this course will show you how to do.
This is not a purely theoretical class. This is an embodied capacity-building course steeped in the modalities of scientifically-backed Somatic Experiencing and Polyvagal Theory techniques.
This online experience is designed to empower you with the psycho-education needed to understand and validate your own survival circuitry -
AND is packed with:
This unique combination of modules will allow you to process, feel, integrate and heal from anything that has happened, is happening or will happen. <3
Most of you know me here for my underwater artwork and performance campaigns. My love of and knowledge of water, movement and people all run deep - from a Master's in Marine Anthropology to dual undergraduate degrees in Biology and Dance.
Over the past 5 years, I've pursued in-depth training in trauma healing, neuroscience and somatic experiencing as well as various certifications in these disciplines. (Full credentials here).
In addition, I've incorporated mastery as an integrative water guide into my career - helping people heal through aquatic therapy sessions conducted to immersive sound healing journeys played through underwater speakers in my pool.
My latest practices are an expanded set of tools that allow me to create immersive somatic integration sessions on land, as well as in the water and form the basis of my practice known as Writes Her Way.
As a somatic integration coach, I focus on facilitating conscious women to come fully into their power and truly thrive through nervous system re-patterning and parts retrieval.
I consider myself a talk therapist but for the body and primal brain, guiding women to reclaim their ability to be their own medicine and gain safety in and communication with their autonomic nervous system, using their own felt sensations and unconscious visuals, to re-pattern and fully integrate past traumas, false constructs, limiting beliefs, defense mechanisms and ingrained non-serving behavioral patterns.
Now, I'm so excited to offer an in-depth, more widely accessible training to help even more people move from survival mode back into thriving.
Self-regulation and true integrative healing is often best nested with a deeply supportive, custom-tailored, co-regulated, ongoing container. Starting with this capacity-building mastercourse, Permission To Thrive, is an incredible starting point for further initiating and exploring your own healing process in a self-paced, DIY-type fashion.
Investing in a focused, exclusive space and facilitator, however, can often be the difference between hitting roadblocks and getting where you actually want to be. It's one thing to follow a recipe or read a book on how to do something and entirely another to engage an expert to walk the path with you, show you what to look for and how to move through any tough hang-up points.
That's why I offer 1-on-1 somatic coaching packages with clients for the most efficient, effective transformational and integrative experiences.
Curious to explore further? Please email or book your Initiation Consult directly for a discovery 1-on-1 session. I'm in full celebration of you and your unfolding! <3
If you ascribe to the axioms of stoicism, are an avid proponent of the movement spurred by the book 'How to Give Less F*&k's,' and employ or endorse some forms of meditative practice that lift you out of your felt, visceral human experience, this work may not be for you.
I don't believe we signed on for this incarnate human experience in form to not hold paradox, embody and fully feel polarity. We consented to pain, suffering, constriction, limitation and restriction as much as we did to love, joy, synchronicity, pleasure and abundance.
How do I know this? Because our human physiology from a scientifically-validated standpoint proves we are wired to do so. Yet our society is obsessed with ensuring our experience remains in that rosy-colored glasses 'positive' end of the emotional spectrum which leaves us often casting out, disowning and never fully feeling or integrating both parts of ourselves and experiences we may encounter.
Paradoxically, the more we push away cast-off parts of self and experience, the deeper they lodge in our unconscious (Jung called these 'Inner Others'), which has a primary operating directive to find their resolution and often does so through manifesting or drawing back into our physical plane of existence the exact people , personalities, experiences and circumstances so we can digest, integrate and find healing of them.
So my short answer to this question is:
This work is for everyone who is ready for it. I call this the 'Great Work' and I see it is as one of the fundamental reasons we are here on this planet, now, in these chaotic and uncertain times.
What we individually and collectively do not address, do not integrate, do not resolve, will pass down in the genetic lineages of future generations to solve and loves, that is a cycle we need to answer the call in taking ownership of ending.
Lin Z.
Boulder, CO
'I've never been able to find a sense of safety in my body until I came to this program. I grew up in an abusive environment and found myself as an adult a chronically underfulfilled overachieving lawyer that had no true friends or relationships outside of those I knew from work.
For the first time in my life, I have hope and trust. The tools I learned from this program were eye-opening and have allowed me to take hold of my nervous system and begin to re-shape it in a very positive way.
I found Christine's breakdown and presentation of the material welcoming and easy to digest. Highly recommend!'
Brittany M.
Sydney, Australia
'I've spent and thousands of dollars in mindset coaches trying releasing the core belief that “I’m not good enough” but it was persistent and caused such suffering in my life. I was constantly in fear and suffered from chronic fatigue that limited my ability to connect with others, exercise and enjoy my life. As only 26 years old, I felt "too young" to have all these problems.
Permission To Thrive was life-changing for me. It was full of so so sooo many epiphanies for me and Christine does this amazinggg job of breaking down the science of it all. I've finally begun to emerge from years of a deep "freeze" state (dorsal vagal) and am slowly increasing my ability to feel the pain and grief of things that have happened to me in my life so I can finally express and release them through the body.
I don't know what my life would be without having found this course and Christine's guidance. I will be forever grateful!!'
Brena S.
Phoenix, AZ
'WOW, where to start? This program has been the majorly life-changing for me. A few years ago, I was in a horrible car accident and while I didn't have any lasting physical injuries, every day my body acted and felt as if it was re-living that horrible day. I suffered from flashbacks and panic attacks and while therapy helped some and I took meditation classes, I couldn't cope.
My acupuncturist told me about somatic and nervous system healing and that's how I came across Permission To Thrive. Months later after finished the course, and continuing to use the tools and information Christine presents, I am a totally different person. I found deep levels of safety within myself and the world again, released a lot of trauma and have been feeling a lot, but in a good way.
Understanding the science and principles of Polyvagal Theory continues to held me slowly release the survival responses and sensations from my car crash so I can get back to be my true self. The inner shifts are just so amazing. It's what I've been missing all along. THANK YOU soooo much!!'
Tara G.
Los Angeles, CA
'For the first time in my life, I don't feel broken. I no longer identify with belief patterns that have greater limited my ability to lead my team and grow my business the way I'd like.
What's more, this new spaciousness, grounding, presence and self-expressiveness lives in my body. I carry it every day, waking up sometimes to feel utterly surprised it is still there.
I always felt as though I there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I would constantly shut-down in certain situations and I couldn't really feel, or tolerate feeling, much at all.
After taking Permission To Thrive, I have such a greater sense of freedom and happiness. The change that has taken place in me only after 9 weeks is so profound. This program literally saved my life. I think that is endorsement enough.'